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Love Games by London

Биография артиста London

LONDON - Formed 1979 U.S.A. Albums 1985 Non-Stop Rock
1986 Don't Cry Wolf
1990 Playa Del Rock
2008 The Metal Years History London Were A Sleazy Glam Rock Band That Became Legends On The Sunset Strip But Failed To Generate It Into International Success. Their Influences Ranged From The New York Dolls Alice Cooper Slade Etc. And Helped Pave The Way For Bands Such As Ratt And Faster Pussycat. Formed In Los Angeles By Lizzie Grey Guitar And Nikki Sixx Bass After They Got Kicked Out Of Blackie Lawless' Sister Project. The Duo Teamed Up With Dane Rage Drums Jon St. John Keyboards And Henri Valentine Vocals Who Was Promptly Replaced With Ex-Mott The Hoople Singer Nigel Benjamin. It Wasn't Long Before Sixx And Benjamin Began Feuding So Benjamin Was Kicked Out Of The Band. After Writing Some Demos Sixx Himself Departed To Form The Legendary Motley Crue Leaving Grey On His Own To Rebuild The Band. By The Time They Were Ready To Record The Debut Album The Band Consisted Of Nadir D'Priest Vocals Brian West Bass Fred Coury Drums And Peter Szucs Keyboards . The Album Non-Stop Rock Failed Commercially And Coury To Join Platinum Rockers Cinderella And Szucs Departed. Don't Cry Wolf Featured New Drummer Wailin' J. Morgan And Was An Excellent Hard Rock Album. However It Still Failed To Sell. Even The Band's Appearance In The Film The Decline Of Western Civilization The Metal Years Failed To Gather Them Much Exposure And Founder Grey Decided To Leave To Form Ultra Pop Which Would Later Become Spiders & Snakes . D'Priest And West Gave The Band One More Shot With Sean Lewis Guitar Krigger Drums And Vince Gilbert Keyboards . Playa Del Rock Was Released As Both A London And D'Priest Album But It Would Be The Last Time London Existed. Line-Up #1 * Michael White - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Nikki Sixx - Bass * Dane Rage - Drums Line-Up #2 * Henry Valentine - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Nikki Sixx - Bass * John St. John - Keyboards * Dane Rage - Drums Line-Up #3 * Nigel Benjamin - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Nikki Sixx - Bass * John St. John - Keyboards * Dane Rage - Drums Line-Up #4 * Nigel Benjamin - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Blackie Lawless - Bass * John St. John - Keyboards * Dane Rage - Drums Line-Up #5 1984 * John Ward - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Donny Cameron - Bass * Nigel Itson - Drums Line-Up #6 * John Ward - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Slash- Guitar * Donny Cameron - Bass * Nigel Itson - Drums Line-Up #7 * John Ward - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Izzy Stradlin- Guitar * Donny Cameron - Bass * Nigel Itson - Drums Line-Up #8 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Izzy Stradlin- Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Bobby Marks - Drums Line-Up #9
Non Stop Rock 1985 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Fred Coury - Drums Line-Up #10
Don't Cry Wolf 1986 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Wailin' Jennings Morgan - Drums Line-Up #11 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Lizzie Grey - Guitar * Frankie Jones - Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Derek Shea - Drums Line-Up #12 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Frankie Jones - Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Derek Shea - Drums Line-Up #13 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Sean Lewis - Guitar * Artos San Filippo - Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Tim Yasui - Drums Line-Up #16 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Sean Lewis - Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Tim Yasui - Drums Line-Up #17
Playa Del Rock 1990 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Sean Lewis - Guitar * Brain West - Bass * Vince Gilbert - Keyboards * Alan Krigger - Drums Line-Up #18 2006 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Eddie St. James - Guitar Line-Up #19 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Sean Lewis - Guitar * Tim Yasui - Drums Line-Up #20 * Nadir D'Priest - Lead Vocals * Sean Lewis - Guitar * Darin "The Kid" - Guitar * Billy "The Fist" - Bass * Diablo - Drums

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