Frogtoon Música

Frogtoon Música - Informações de gênero para Mellow-Jazz

Description By JoeJoomla Easygoing Sounds Expressing Gentle Moods By Instrumentalists Occasionally With A Dash Of Pleasant Voice. Mellow Taken From Http //en.Wiktionary.Org/wiki/mellow Adjective Mellow Comparative Mellower Or More Mellow Superlative Mellowest Or Most Mellow 1. Soft Or Tender By Reason Of Ripeness Having A Tender Pulp As A Mellow Apple. 2. Easily Worked Or Penetrated Not Hard Or Rigid As A Mellow Soil. 3. Not Coarse Rough Or Harsh Subdued Soft Rich Delicate -- Said Of Sound Color Flavor Style Etc. 4. Well Matured Softened By Years Genial Jovial. 5. Warmed By Liquor Slightly Intoxicated. Verb To Mellow Third-Person Singular Simple Present Mellows Present Participle Mellowing Simple Past And Past Participle Mellowed 1. Intransitive To Become Mellow. 2. Intransitive To Relax Or Soften. Jazz Taken From Http //en.Wiktionary.Org/wiki/jazz Noun 1. Music A Musical Art Form Rooted In West African Cultural And Musical Expression And In The African American Blues Tradition With Diverse Influences Over Time Commonly Characterized By Blue Notes Syncopation Swing Call And Response Polyrhythms And Improvisation. 2. Energy Excitement Excitability. Very Lively. 3. The In Tangible Substance That Goes Into The Makeup Of A Thing. What Jazz Were You Referring To Earlier? What Is All This Jazz Lying Around? 4. Unspecified Thing S . I'm Just Going Down To The Shops And Jazz I Am Off To Purchase Items And Etcetera. 5. With Positive Terms Of Excellent Quality The Genuine Article. That Show Was The Jazz! That Musical Concert/television Program Was Most Enjoyable. This Risotto Is Simply The Jazz. This Risotto Was Cooked In The Classic Manner. 6. Nonsense. Stop Talking Jazz. Mellow-Jazz Todos os artistas, todas as bandas e todas as músicas que você possa imaginar, das mais novas às mais antigas, são facilmente acessíveis através do Frogtoon Music. Prepare-se para se entregar e permitir que a música enriqueça sua alma, acenda sua paixão, desperte suas emoções e traga de volta algumas belas lembranças. A seguir está um diretório dos principais artistas e bandas de Mellow Jazz: Ao visitar suas páginas, você verá uma lista de vídeos populares, faixas principais, mixagens recomendadas e músicas de todos os álbuns que eles lançaram. Além disso, dentro de cada página, você pode acessar e descobrir músicas de artistas e bandas semelhantes.