Frogtoon Muziek

Biografie van de kunstenaar Replacire

Bandcamp Facebook Reverbnation
Formed In 2010 - Present
Hometown Location Boston MA
Genre Progressive Death Metal Technical Death Metal Replacire Is Evan Anderson Berry Vocals
Eric Alper Guitar/Backing Vox
Stephen Pierce Guitar
Alexander Stallings Bass
Blaize Collard Drums With Numerous Tours And Gigs Behind Them Replacire Has Released Their Debut Album "The Human Burden." A 41 Minute Delve Into The Psyche And Assault On The Senses. With Grinding Riffs Interweaving Melodies And Intense Composition Replacire Hope To Leave Their Mark And Cross Over To Fans Of Various Kinds Of Metal. Official Music Video For The Human Burden

50 Topmuzieknummers voor Replacire - Frogtoon Muziek

50 TopmuzieknTeksten voor Replacire - Frogtoon Muziek

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