Frogtoon Musik

Звездочка by Середина Неба

Künstlerbiographie Середина Неба

Середина Неба "Seredina Neba" Is Russian For "Middle Of Heaven" Or "Medium Coeli" Is A Band Founded In 2004 By The Bass-Guitarist Of Паперный Т.А..М... Vladimir Gochua Владимир Гочуа And A Singer And An Actress Alevtina Popova Алевтина Попова She Sang Before In Notorious Musical Норд-Ост In D. Pokrovsky's Russian Folk Ensemble As An Actress She Starred In TV-Films "Polnolunie" "Boomer-2" Etc. . Середина Неба's Music Style Is A Fusion Of Caribbean Rhytms Reggae Ska Dub Disco Etc. Russian Traditions And Elements Of Ethno-Pop Rock Music Folk Music Bard Songs Etc. The Musicians Of Середина Неба Determine This Style As Art-Reggae. In January 2007 Alevtina Popova Left The Band. Now Середина Неба Is Nadezhda Palamesheva Надежда Паламешева - Vocals Dmitry "Roshele" Yarosh Дмитрий "Рошель" Ярош - Electric And Acoustic Guitars Yevgeny Babaichev Евгений Бабайчев - Keyboards Piano Accordion Andrei Nesterov Андрей Нестеров - Alto Saxophone Vladimir "Bob" Gochua Владимир "Боб" Гочуа - Bass Guitar Music Lyrics Vladimir "Burbon" Burmistrov Владимир "Бурбон" Бурмистров - Drums Percussion. On May 2006 Середина Неба Had Issued The Album "Поднимаюсь..." "Podnimayus'..." - "I'm Rising Up..." . Official Site Seredinaneba.Narod.Ru

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