Frogtoon Musik

Frogtoon Musik - Genreinformationen für Chinese-Traditional

Chinese Music Started At The Dawn Of Chinese Civilization With Documents And Artifacts Providing Evidence Of A Well-Developed Musical Culture As Early As The Zhou Dynasty 1122 BC – 256 BC . Today The Music Continues A Rich Traditional Heritage In One Aspect While Emerging Into A More Contemporary Form At The Same Time. Traditional Music In China Is Played On Solo Instruments Or In Small Ensembles Of Plucked And Bowed Stringed Instruments Flutes And Various Cymbals Gongs And Drums. The Scale Is Pentatonic. Bamboo Pipes And Qin Are Among The Oldest Known Musical Instruments From China Instruments Are Traditionally Divided Into Categories Based On Their Material Of Composition Animal Skins Gourd Bamboo Wood Silk Earth/clay Metal And Stone. Chinese Orchestras Traditionally Consist Of Bowed Strings Woodwinds Plucked Strings And Percussion. The Legendary Founder Of Music In Chinese Mythology Was Ling Lun Who Made Bamboo Pipes Tuned To The Sounds Of Birds. According To Mencius A Powerful Ruler Once Asked Him Whether It Was Moral If He Preferred Popular Music To The Classics. The Answer Was That It Only Mattered That The Ruler Love His Subjects. The Imperial Music Bureau First Established In The Qin Dynasty 221–07 BC Was Greatly Expanded Under The Emperor Han Wu Di 140–87 BC And Charged With Supervising Court Music And Military Music And Determining What Folk Music Would Be Officially Recognized. In Subsequent Dynasties The Development Of Chinese Music Was Strongly Influenced By Foreign Music Especially Central Asia. Chinese-Traditional Jeder Künstler, jede Band und jeder Song, den Sie sich vorstellen können, vom neusten bis zum ältesten, sind über Frogtoon Music leicht zugänglich. Machen Sie sich bereit, sich selbst zu verwöhnen und der Musik zu erlauben, Ihre Seele zu bereichern, Ihre Leidenschaft zu entfachen, Ihre Emotionen zu wecken und einige schöne Erinnerungen zurückzubringen. Das Folgende ist ein Verzeichnis der Top-Künstler und Bands von Chinese Traditional: Wenn Sie ihre Seiten besuchen, wird Ihnen eine Liste beliebter Videos, Top-Tracks, empfohlener Mixe und Musik aus allen von ihnen veröffentlichten Alben präsentiert . Darüber hinaus können Sie auf jeder Seite auf Musik von ähnlichen Künstlern und Bands zugreifen und diese entdecken.