Frogtoon Muziek

Biografie van de kunstenaar Dear Landlord

Dear Landlord Are A Punk Rock Band From Carbondale Illinois. Bordering On Super-Group Status With Members Of Illinois Power-Pop Masterminds The Copyrights- Adam Bass/vocals And Brett Guitar/vocals And Minneapolis Weasel-Worshippers Rivethead- Brad Drums/lyrics And Zack Guitar/vocals They Carry The Torch High Burning Brightest When They Step To The Mic Together For Anthemic Choruses Cut By Snotty Leads And Broken Wrists Flying At Breakneck Speeds.
In 2007 Dear Landlord Released Split Singles With Both Chinese Telephones And Off With Their Heads. Their 2009 No Idea Records Release "Dream Homes" Is Reminiscent Of Holding A Conch Shell Up To Your Ear To Hear The Ocean If That Conch Shell Was An Empty 40 Oz. Bottle Found Surveying The Remnants Of Last Nights' Blackout.

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